We bought a bus, a Blue Bird Bus, it is apx. 40 ft long 8 Ft. wide. The *PLAN* is to modify her into an RV. putting in Beds, couches, and a dining area. self contained and able to travel with the family.
her first outing is scheduled for June, lets hope we can get her innards put together as good as her engine and outsides are... She runs pretty durn good (as we drove her from Tennessee to Missouri)
I have so many fun things I want to do, and maybe with a rolling Motel I can figure out ways to see the World, and enjoy my children at the same time.
I do not believe in waiting until I retire to enjoy my life, so I will be the crazy- wild haired- lady dragging half dozen kids across the country seeing the sites & experiencing the culture of our wonderful land.
(yes yes , I Know, pictures soon )