This beautiful fall weather is amazing.....
My daughter, Madi and I went on a long walk with the dog. Our great dane has been such a sweetie while we are traveling, you would not believe the change that has come over him. When he first came to our house he was jittery and nervous. (probably the onslaught of 6 kids at once ) and he really disliked being affectionate with us.
But he has really come around since being with us on the bus trip.
He acts like a little kid, he plays, chases, rolls around and wrestles with us. so much fun!
When I was a little girl i had a yellow lab, I named her Max. (yes, her.)
Max would play fight with me, and grab ahold of my arm gently and wrestle with me in the grass. She was so fun and playful, and I have missed that in the many little dogs we have had the past years.
But here I have my dream dog (wanted a Great Dane since I was 8) and he has been so playful!
on another note:
The kids put on a play for their grandfather.
Rubi put on dress-up clothes and Abi & Gracie were dressed as young boys.
The 'boys' attacked Rubi (the damsel in distress) and Zeke in his Batman cape came to her rescue. He was "Super-Jay" (grandpa Jay)
It was short but cute.
It has been relaxing and fun visiting Utah, we have reminisced and visited areas of my old stomping grounds, Took the kids by my old High School.
It has been a nice introspective trip.
I am amazed at the abundance in Utah, people are beautiful, the mountains are breathtaking, people here are so resourceful and entrepreneur-minded. It is exhilarating, and competitive, it is almost 100% opposite of my small little Missouri town.
Life is a slower pace, the people are like they are in Mayberry, old-fashioned & hard-working good people.
I like that we are small, and that we have room to grow, we all live on our parcel of land, and have plenty of room for the kids to roam.
I am reminded of the reasons why wemoved there in 2006. I am reminded of the values and lessons we longed to teach our children. Hard work, honesty, skills that will keep you comfortable in a crisis.
I love visiting Utah. I love seeing family, friends and my old home town.
But I sure love coming home.
Thank yout o my friends in Missouri, who have helped to make Rural NortWest Missouri...."Home"