Life is a twisted, beautiful thing.... and I have chosen two live with no regrets.... the Bus was a compromise between my desires to live in third world countries serving women and children who had been forgotten... and my ex spouse whose greatest desire was to plant roots and live a life with predictable patterns and traditional methods met me in the middle and together we built the Bus.
Our paths have since diverted and we have come to a point that I need to sell the bus.
She has been a constant security blanket .... a reminder that sometime in my future I would be able to hit the open road and not have a care in the world as we gaze upon the smokey mountains of TN, or the rolling hills of NC.
Please share far and wide - this bus has MASSIVE FUN potential and WILL bring another person great satisfaction and security.
What I know about the bus (the technical stuff)
4 new tires put on in April 2018
all mechanical bus parts are functioning tip-top
the generator has not been fired up in a while. It was fully operational when we spent 2 weeks camping in 2015. Since that time we have used shore power-
the plumbing is operational
the 2 AC units are fully functional
the heater system (bus integrated) works great for driving-
Wood burning stove was used during cold nights and keeps the bus toasty- warm
there is PLENTY of under carriage storage and under maser bed "garage" for a family of 10 to live full time on the bus. We had PLENTY of room for more.
things that need to be fixed - The original bus door needs to be replaced with a custom door - It is drafty and loud - does not adequately lock (we use a wedge system to bar the door from being opened during the night and a padlock on the exterior for when we park and leave it)
The nature of a NON air tight bus means we did have some water on the floors causing some areas of the floor to get damaged- it is still minor enough we ignore it.
The cabinet doors have some loose hinges- nothing major.
Dinette table is having issues- we used old winnebago hardware and its just not cutting it for how active my kids have been. I purchased floor supports but have not been able to anchor them adequately yet.
the original radio stopped working - I purchased a replacement with USB and AUX options butt never installed it. Speakers worked last time the radio was on.