During this trip, I couldn't help but lament that my children were not "getting it" we studied American History in Home school the year before we made this trip, and we learned about the names & dates, but I still felt like they were not understanding, it was just information to them, and it was not sinking in.
I bore testimony of the necessity of these wars, and sacrifices, I shared with them how they had benefitted from our Founding fathers' sacrifices. but I still felt like it was not sinking it. and then , after we touched the Vietnam Veterans Wall memorial, and we sat through the most moving rally where we were incited to ignite our desire to teach, represent and facilitate HONOR throughout our everyday lies, The kids got a rare and special treat;
A decorated Vietnam Vet approached our blanket after sitting for more that 6 hours for the rally, the kids & I were lounging and visiting when he approached us, He asked the girls how they liked the rally, and if they had seen the Vietnam Memorial Wall, he shared that those names on the wall were his buddies, his comrades, and that they
did not get to come home, they lost their lives in the battle, and then he said to them, "Those boys gave up their lives for you, and let me tell you something, Your Worth It"
He then went on to tell them that the one and only way for my girls to pay back those men for their sacrifice was they had one job to do: "get an education" that is it, you pay them back, you honor them by taking your studies seriously and learning, doing their best in school.
I was in tears, The girls were speechless, And It Sunk in,, the girls "got it" , What a blessing it was to have met that man, to have the honor of shaking his hand, and looking him in the eye to say Thank You. I cannot thank every single solder who has put his life on the line for us, but I can honor their memory and their efforts by studying, teaching and sharing what I know.
New experiences, and overwhelming gratidtude for our Freedoms, and the Blood spilt to ensure those freedoms.