Monday, November 15, 2010


Determined, intelligent, resourceful little boy.

Determined, intelligent, resourceful little boy. (Yep I love him!)

By touching the copper screws

By touching the copper screws (live wires)

It has a 2 plug

It has a 2 plug outlet instead of a normal plug end, He came to Madi and asked for her help, since he kept getting shocked

My bedroom where he plugged

My bedroom where he plugged the TV back in, funny thing was; I had jimmy-rigged this cord while we were on the road, and

Zeke saw he had no

Zeke saw he had no power, followed the extension cord into the storage room, and unplugged the freezer, took it back into

Been given 3 deers for

Been given 3 deers for canning, I needed the freezer plugged in.

Zeke was determined to watch

Zeke was determined to watch a movie today; I had taken the extension cord and used it for the deep freeze, since I had