Monday, May 03, 2010

6 years... and counting

6 years ago we started this blog (me & that sweet little bird on my shoulder)

We lived in Homer Alaska. That was a memorable time in our lives, we had 4 daughters in hockey, Wes was flying in his first real aviation job (not counting his stint as a flight instructor) We have no regrets from moving from Utah to Alaska. We had the time of our lives!

I got pregnant with our 5th child, whom we referred to lovingly as "buckets" up until the day he was born.

We left Alaska, and a part of our hearts in Homer April of 2006. Wes stayed behind as his job was stable and we felt that as soon as we were settled he could transfer jobs and join the family.

We arrived in Utah, spent time with family, and then in June of 2006, we packed up our VW van, and went looking for our Promised Land. We saw; Montana, Nebraska, Wyoming, Idaho, Iowa, Illinois, and finally landed in MIssouri. The Lord tenderly cared for our needs, we met a Home school family that needed a house-sitter, we took care of their beautiful home for 9 months, this enabled us to get out of consumer debt, and formulate a plan. Wes would start looking right away for work, so that he could be home every night. His current schedule took him away from the family for 18 days at a time. I thought that as he had a son, the motivation to be home regularly would push him to leave Alaska.

Our son was born into our hands, in the home of a ward member, who graciously provided a safe, secure & gentle entry for our First home birth.

Zeke brought our count to 5 kids.... and he is a joy!

Two more years we spent in MIssouri, looking for "the House" and "The Spot of Land" to no avail, Wes felt drawn to the Far West temple site; I felt drawn to live somewhere we would not be spending all our time and money fixing up forever....

We finally signed on the construction loan and began building a home.

Some days, especially in the Winter, I would be drug back down into depression (the original reason we left Alaska) As I felt my life had little meaning, Every day felt like the movie "ground-hog day" redundant, meaningless, monotonous.

I began studying, reading, learning all I could about my passions: Birth & Volunteer work. I dreamed of the day that I could devote my time in these ventures, I knew that as my children grew older I would find the opportunity to study midwifery formally, and become the full-time philanthropist I dreamed of. Someday my ship would come in, and I would be enabled to serve.

One of the books I read sparked a desire to search out the options of living my life dreams now, not waiting for another 18 years....

After reading books and researching for 4 years, I had an "ah-Ha" moment.

My role as a Mother (being my highest priority) was to lead, teach, and encourage my children to fulfill their Earthly Missions.
What better way to do this, than to create opportunities WITH my children to grow, serve & study. I began including my kids in my studies, teaching them what I was learning, even if Midwifery was not Their passion ;)
I hope that as they saw me peruse my life mission, it would give them permission to admit their dreams, and together we could formulate a plan to live out their dreams.

Thus we enter the phase of Life I am currently in.....

Not waiting....

Not wishing....

Finding SOlutions

Creating Opportunities

and Living my passions....

We bought the 1994 Blue Bird Bus... it is on its way to becoming a traveling dream-catcher . In it we will: travel and learn about our Government, our history, and our native culture.

We will Explore new cultures, we will meet new people, we will teach them, that they too have permission to live their Dreams.

My children will grow up knowing that their Soul Purpose was planted in their hearts because their Creator, Their Heavenly Father Wanted them to LIVE, to DREAM, and to CREATE,

We do not have any more money today than the day we left Alaska, we have grown, we have created, and we have experienced life... we are ready for this new portion of our life, the part that reaches beyond our comfort zone, That sees opportunities, Pray for answers, see the possibility and RUNS with it.... not Saunter,

not Walk




We have a timeline:

MAY: Spend our efforts on Selling of our excess, trimming the fat on our spending, and creating income to support our Agenda. Learn Spanish.....
JUNE:Work our tails off, Rent our house, Drive to Utah for a Wedding.Learn Spanish..... PASSPORTS for Kids.
JULY: Work the entire Month in Nauvoo Earning the money that will support us during our BUS Extravaganza. Study Spanish....
August: Traveling, Visiting Family, Continue in earning money. Study Spanish....
SEPTEMBER: Finish the prep on the BUS , and prepare to CROSS THE BORDER....
OCTOBER: Make a pit stop (surprise to the kids) In California
NOVEMBER: Set up Camp In Guatemala ... Volunteer, Garden, Build, Work in the Clinics .... FULL TIME Service...
DECEMBER: Belize and R&R
JANUARY: Head North.... Depending on our success in Central America, we may stay longer, but likely we will start heading back and prepare to create our future.... Possibilities are endless..... Who Knows how, or what we will do.... All i Know is

LIFE .... Will never be the same....

Estimated Costs: $15,000.00


Unknown said...

WOW! Sounds like you have it all figured out and that you are on your way. I'm sure you will be a great example & influence. I can't wait to hear about all of your adventures!!!

Tammy said...

Wow! That's quite a plan! I'm glad you are going for your dreams. Good luck with everything!


Beautiful. :)


Beautiful. :)