Friday, January 20, 2012

Proclamation of Imperfection!

Proclamation of Imperfection.

What does this mean?

It means I openly and honestly admit to you, my friends, readers, fans, and supporters.


I share on here the words and thoughts that INSPIRE me! I am not preaching, I am sharing, I am not condemning, I am growing, I do not profess to be perfect, or the Example to others... in only way can I be an example. that is my DESIRE to do GOOD.

I have weaknesses and issues abounding in my life, If I were to list all of them....alphabetically it would take up at least 36 pages and a WHOLE lot of time....

BUT I will say this. I have been asked & Encouraged to share the HAPPY & UPLIFTING times and thoughts of my life. and this I attempt to do here. With you as the recipient (whomever you are...)

I am weak, but I get back on that horse every day. (OK maybe not EVERY DAY) some days I just stayin my PJ's and lament at my weaknesses. but then I get a most glorious thing. a Phone call from a friend, business partner or mentor, asking me to be a part of something BIGGER THAN MYSELF!


And so I go on. Plugging away at not only my TO DO LIST, but my TO BE LIST!

I aim to BE a friend, and a help to those I meet, near & far. I AIM to be a GREAT mother and wife, I AIM and fall short of these tasks.This I share with you, not because I am making excuses, but because I feel VERY strongly that only through admitting our weakness can we be made strong.

and another thing. YES I am totally DEPENDENT on spell check. It is not that I Can't spell, it is that I am lazy. Yep I said it I am LAZY.

Good day. Good Luck, and thank you for allowing me the indulgence of professing my weaknesses to the world.(Thanks Tarryn!)

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Beautiful post! I agree wholeheartedly!!!! :)